Cafe Travel menu, Cafe in Malate | Foozap
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Cafe Travel
Cafe Restaurants   Malate, Manila

  Restaurant Menu

Dark Chocolate Cake ₱170
Oreo Cookies Cake ₱170
Red Velvet Cake ₱170
New York cake ₱190
Espresso ₱80
Choco Latte (Hot) ₱145
Strawberry Latte (Ice) ₱160
Green Tea Latte (Hot) ₱155
Lemon Iced Tea ₱130
Calamansi Aid ₱130
Welchs ₱100
DR. Pepper ₱90
Perrier ₱100
Bluebrry ₱150
Mango ₱150
Travel Vanilla ₱180
Travel Java chip ₱180
Travel Green Tea ₱180
Travel caramel ₱180
Travel Vanilla Oreo/Coffee ₱180
Travel Chocolate Cookie ₱180
Choco Latte (Ice) ₱150
Caramel Latte (Hot) ₱155
Americano (Ice) ₱125
Americano (Hot) ₱115
Cafe Latte (Ice) ₱130
Cafe Latte (Hot) ₱125
Cappuccino (Ice) ₱130
Cappuccino (Hot) ₱125
Cafe Mocha (Ice) ₱145
Cafe Mocha (Hot) ₱140
Caramel Macciato (Ice) ₱160
Caramel Macciato (Hot) ₱155
Affogato (Ice) ₱160
Vanilla Latte (Ice) ₱160
Vanilla Latte (Hot) ₱155
Hazelnut Latte (Ice) ₱160
Hazelnut Latte (Hot) ₱155
Caramel Latte (Ice) ₱160
Travel Mocha ₱180
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