Famous Belgian Waffles menu, Others in Gateway Mall | Foozap
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Famous Belgian Waffles
Others Restaurants   Cubao, Quezon City

  Restaurant Menu

Plain ₱30
Banana Caramel ₱55
Banana Hazelnut ₱55
Ham and Creamcheese ₱55
Maple Syrup and French Butter ₱45
Chocolate Hazelnut ₱55
Blueberry Creamcheese ₱55
Strawberry Creamcheese ₱55
Tuna Ranch and Cheddar ₱55
Tuna Ranch and Creamcheese ₱55
Choco Banana Peanut Butter ₱55
Strawberry Peanut Butter ₱55
Tuna Ranch ₱45
Mango-Peach ₱45
Choco Peanut Butter ₱45
Chocolate ₱35
Peanut Butter ₱35
Cheddar Cheese ₱35
Blueberry ₱45
Caramel ₱45
Creamcheese ₱45
Hazelnut ₱45
Strawberry ₱45
Ham and Cheddar ₱45
Banana Peanut Butter ₱45
Banana Chocolate ₱45
Chicken Ham and Creamcheese ₱55
Malaysian Coffee ₱35
Malaysian Strong Coffee ₱35
Malaysian Hot Choco ₱35
Malaysian Hot Tea ₱35
Iced Coffee ₱45
Iced Strong Coffee ₱45
Iced Choco ₱45
Iced Milktea ₱45
Boston Brewed Iced Tea ₱45
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