Kokoro Ramenya photos, Ramen in Ermita | Foozap
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Kokoro Ramenya
Ramen Restaurants   Ermita, Manila
     Looking for a place to eat to your heart’s content? Worry no more! From wonderful service to tasty servings, Kokoro Ramenya has got the seat for you. ‘Kokoro’ means heart in Japanese, this means a lot of things beyond the crew and the restaurant. From hospitality and warmth towards customers to their love for giving the best and authentic Ramen, everything is done from the heart. Each of its growing branches is considered a place of ramen goodness. Authenticity This ramen joint is led by the Japanese chef and Ramen connoisseur from Shinjuku, Susumo Murata, offering a wide variety of selections using fresh ingredients that burst with flavor and big servings that can fill you up for the day.

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