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  Home Vegetarian  Metro Manila  Quezon City  Tomas Morato  Runner's Kitchen
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Runner's Kitchen
Vegetarian Restaurants   Tomas Morato, Quezon City
 September 24 2015, 07:11:32
Serves healthy food.
Food  4
Ambiance  3
Service  2
Price  3
This place offers a wide variety of food made with healthy ingredients. We ate Spicy Tuna Quinoa Rolls and Beef Salpicao when we went there this month. Meal prices start at P250 while drinks are at least ~P150. This might seem a bit expensive but if you look into the ingredients, it's justified by the nutritional facts. I'm not sure if this would count as a date place but it definitely is a good place for those who are diet-conscious.

Bonus: The restaurant is inspired by running. So if you are familiar with the no-nonsense food that are suggested for serious runners, you might find it here.
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